16 April 2008

The Mosaic of Science and Culture project

Three years ago the European Union gave start to the Mosaic of Science and Culture project by financing it. It is a project under the Comenius subprogram, part of the Socrates program for the EU. It's a project that aims at letting students from different countries work together while learning about the greatest scientiffic discoverers and get to know each other's habbits and culture. There are six countries that took part in the project. These countries are Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Norway and Spain. There had been a meeting in every one of them starting with a teachers' meating in Spain and a big meating in Norway in 2006. After that it was Portugal and Poland in 2007, and this year the meatings have been in Italy and Bulgaria. The last meeting took place in the city of Shumen last week.
You can see the project's web site here: http://www.mosaicofscience.info/ . There you can find much information about the activities during the meatings and information about the different countries that took part in the project.
I am one of the participants in the project. I was one of Bulgarias representatives in the meating in Norway and I took great part in the preparation for the meating in Bulgaria. I'm also the web master of the project's site.
I've uploaded some pictures from the last meating. You can see them right here:

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