10 January 2008

Horo a.k.a. Bulgarian folklore dance

The horo is the Bulgarian folklore dance. Actually, there are many types of horo in Bulgaria. The most popular ones are Paidushko horo, Daichovo horo and Rachenitsa. What makes them special and differs them from most other dances is their rhythm. Horo dances are not like the usual two four, three four or even four four time dances. They are composed in any of the so called uneven times - five eight time (Paidushko horo), seven eight time (Rachenitsa) or nine eight time (Daichovo horo).
Some people find it hard to follow along with the uneven timing of the horo dances. In fact there is nothing much to it. You just need to know how exactly these uneven timings came to be.
Horo dances are adorned with little jumps here and there. That is when you need one extra eighth in the time.

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